Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Goddess of the Garden July 2006

In keeping with current trends and fads in art, I have decided to create my own ever changing goddess of the garden. When I first planted the Jackmanii Clematis in the post with her naked form, we had a fairly good length of vine, and a few flowers as well. But a strong Kansas wind came along and changed that. However, the Jackmanii is strong and fast climber, so by first

frost, she should have some nice foliage. In the mean-time we have some annuals down below so perhaps she will have a bit more color before the growing season is over. And maybe by then, all the weeds in the background will be gone and well on the way to being replace by some-thing that will eventually be part of the perennial garden. Grandpa left me with a good beginning, but I still have a long way to go!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sleeping Beauty: Cruella di Ville

Good thing the camera came with a rechargable battery.